Schmerzen unter dem linken Brustkorb: 10 Ursachen und Behandlung

Because they may be connected to the heart, pains under the left breast might trigger panic in an instant. Different health conditions may be the cause of an unexpected pain in the left side beneath the ribs. These illnesses include Gastritis, Milzschäden, and the Reizdarmsyndrom.

Another common reason why the area under the left breast aches is a structural damage from broken ripples or damaged bridges. This article discusses the causes, treatments, and prevention advice for pain in the left breast.Schmerzen unter

Häufige Ursachen von Schmerzen unter dem linken Brustkorb

There are many reasons why you can get a sharp pain under your left breast. The pain may develop as a result of damage to or destruction of another organ or gland. Here are a few causes of pain in the left breastbone.


Pain below the left breastbone may originate from an injury and extend to the breastbone. A broken or fractured rippling is brought on by a chest injury. Auto accidents, collisions, or other severe acts of violence may result in injury. It causes severe pain when making deep movements or atemi.

To confirm this cause, a radial image is required. The disadvantage of roentgen rays is that not all bridges are always captured. Simple wrist injuries might last for up to two months. Complexer injuries may call for a more involved activity.Schmerzen unter

Anger-filled muscle

During the Preparation phases, muscle tension and pain under the left breast can manifest. Throw in the towel The failure to complete an evaporation process prior to the body’s full preparation is the cause. A muscle is pulled as a result, producing a stitch. A stain is a sharp pain that originates from the side of the body.


After eating, saline reflux is frequently the cause of pain under the left breast. In this situation, too much stomach acid is produced, which causes the food pipe to close. Bites the dust causes throbbing chest pain that moves under the left breastbone.

Excessive consumption of foods and beverages that are spicy or acidic might cause soda bruising. The inability to digest food due to a lack of stomach acid is another adverse impact of sour reflux.


Gastritis is a condition of the stomach. It also goes by the name “mammary disease” and affects your digestive system. Symptoms include pain in the left breast, nausea, vomiting, breathing problems, and sneezing.Schmerzen unter


Bites the dust is a contraction of the breast or of the breast. Kick the bucket pass on Rippen and the Brustbein Binden are caused by Bite the Dust Entzündung. One of the many causes of this infection is a virus infection, as well as a shoulder or chest injury. The main indicator of costochondritis for chest pains under the left sternum is inflammation.

Costochondritis is frequently confused with a heart condition. However, there are certain pointers for identifying the main distinction between the two holy places. Bite the dust Infection is sensitive to touch and causes pain on both sides of the chest. Under the breastbone, and not to the touch, are the symptoms of a heart attack.Schmerzen unter

IBS Reizdarmsyndrom

IBS causes a diarrheal condition that may result in stomach pain on the left side. Pain might manifest over a longer period of time as severe pain or dull pain.

Throw in the towel Large meals and excessive eating are causes of IBS. Large meals and excessive eating slow down the digestion process, making it difficult for the body to properly digest food. Other IBS symptoms include stomach pain, gas buildup, diarrhoea, obstruction, and swelling at the top of the stomach.


When the splenic-flexure syndrome is present, large amounts of gas gather, according to bite the dust Milz. This requirement may have the following effects: Verdauungsstörungen, food allergies, food intolerances, and a diet high in dietary minerals. In the left upper abdominal region, pain is caused by the gas’s pressure. Other symptoms include

Zerriness in the upper chest region
A thumping noise in the upper belly (controlled by covering this area with antipumps)
Through twitching or jerking of the upper body, pain can be brought on.
Stoppage, bleeding, and IBS.Schmerzen unter


Nierensteine are mineral- and salt-bearing deposits that start in the inner ear and end up in the cool zone. Because they obstruct the sanctum urens, these stones might cause pain in the left breast area. These are capable of causing severe pain and necessitating medical attention. Take a loss Depending on where the pass-on stones are located, pain may appear on either the right or the left side.

Other signs and symptoms include bloody urin, pain, swelling that spreads to the leiste, and painful water retention.


Gerissene and vergrößerte Milz are the two types of damaged milch. A bacterial infection or other health-related problems might lead to a widened mole. Some instances of enlarged milz might cause pain. The feeling of being “Full,” regardless of whether the person is eating anything, is one of the most notable characteristics. Other symptoms include irritability, exhaustion, or light bleeding.

Naturally, a shrinkage is more drastic than an expansion. It causes sharp, sudden pains under the upper right breastbone. This severe pain may occasionally be accompanied by stomachaches, confusion, and a feeling of bewilderment. Blood stains under the skin, particularly if the bite the dust Milz is filled with blood, are another crucial sign.


Heart attack with the most displeasing chest pain under the left breast. One of the signs of a heart attack is listed under the cause of osteochondritis. A further indicator is the illness’s all-around slow and steady progression. Other signs of a heart attack include chest discomfort, shortness of breath, nausea or vomiting, excessive shivering, and pain in the left arm, knee, back, or stomach.

Wie behandelt man den Schmerz unter dem linken Brustkorb?

The next step in determining the cause is to treat any pain that may be present. Treatments for bite the dust vary depending on the nature and severity of the pain. Here are a few potential treatments for pain under the left breastbone.


Your doctor may prescribe bite the dust medications based on the cause of your rippling pain. In the vast majority of cases, doctors will prescribe painkillers to quell discomfort. Painkillers are effective when bite the dust pains in the left breast are brought on by blood clots, muscle tears, and breaks. Antazida are helpful for soda bursting. If a bite the dust Infektion causes pain, a prescription for antibiotics may be written for you.

tranquilly and immobility

The use of medications is inextricably linked to peace. The injured area must be immobile for the gewebe to be able to heal itself naturally.

Diet and lifestyle translation

With IBS and soda brennen, a nutritional assessment is required. It is preferable to choose foods and foods that are little salted and fatty. Change of lifestyle refers to not eating and distributing food excessively. Diet and lifestyle changes are the first steps in treating IBS and soda brennen.


A task is necessary when experiencing severe rippling pain. Treatment for some cases of nephrostein includes an activity. Broken ribs, particular heart conditions, and a deteriorating milz are additional issues that may require attention during an activity. It is necessary to take action when a rope is broken in order to prevent the rope from passing through and being pointed at.

A doctor is looking for

If it’s difficult for you to determine the exact cause of the pain under your left breast, you should consult a doctor. The doctor can identify the cause of death and develop a treatment strategy. To prevent further complications from the pain, see your doctor. An appointment with a doctor is advised even when pain does not go away on its own after a few days.

How can one prevent pain beneath the left breastbone?

Take a loss Future chest pain prevention is dependent on the original stomach muscle cause. It is best to warm up the body before exercising properly if bite the dust cause of muscle pains or twitches is involved.

The proper use of training equipment is another preventive measure. This was also plated for proper Structure and squeaky-clean Fluid Supply.

If an infection, bleeding, injured muscles, or rips cause bite the dust pains, you should give yourself enough time to recover.

If you want to prevent pain, you can apply ice and heat to the affected area. Other self-care techniques include hot baths. Warm baths aid in relaxing muscles that have been injured or are in pain.
There are indications of pain beneath the left breastbone, necessitating immediate medical attention. Possible life-threatening conditions like heart attack, pulmonary embolism, and lung collapse need for immediate attention.

Some of the following conditions are not necessarily emergencies, however an appointment with the doctor is advised in case of emergency:

Intense pressure under the breastbone, niggling pain, or throbbing pain are all symptoms.
Brust pains, a bite in the corner of the left arm, or wandering in the back.
Übelkeit and Crime
Schnelle Heartbeat or emotion
Higher or lower blood pressure
Fieber or shivering frost

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